TODAY’S BIG QUESTION: “Is grace really amazing?”
Yesterday we discussed the concept of God’s mercy. Today we’re going to discuss the concept of God’s grace. This may raise the question in the mind of our readers of “What is the difference between God’s mercy and His grace?” I’ve heard it said that mercy is God not giving us what we deserve, but grace, on the other hand, is God giving us what we don’t deserve. Do you see the difference in that? Mercy is when God does not give us the punishment that we deserve for our sins. But when He grants us grace, He gives us abundant blessings in spite of our sins, flaws, imperfections, and shortcomings. Isn’t that a profound concept?
Even when we don’t deserve it, God showers immense blessings upon our lives. God blesses us as a dear father who loves His children. I am a father of three beautiful children, and I love them abundantly. And I love to do good things for them. I love to bless them in any ways that I possibly can. This isn’t because they have somehow earned my favor in their lives. This is just a natural thing for me, and I have loved them straight from their mother’s womb. I’m constantly looking for ways that I can bless them. And that’s the way that God sees us. He wants to bless us immeasurably.
Even as God is gracious toward us, we also ought to be gracious toward those around us. Rather than looking for faults and shortcomings in others, we ought to simply be looking for ways to bless them regardless of whether or not they deserve it. But this is not easy.
Have you ever worked with someone or spent time with someone who had absolutely no grace toward others? Wow! That is so hard to endure, isn’t it?
So, then, the real question is, “Are YOU that type of person who shows no grace toward others?” Are you constantly picking at others and finding faults in their lives? What about your spouse or other family members? Are you a refreshing spring of grace in the lives of those around you? Imagine how our relationships would be transformed if we were truly offered an abundant supply of grace to all those we are in contact with throughout the day.
TODAY’S BIG IDEA: “As you enjoy the gift of grace that God has given you, so also share that gift with others with whom you have contact throughout the day.”
Today’s prayer: Pray that God will allow you to be a source of grace in the lives of those around you.
-Chris Russell